Am I the only person who gets incredibly pissed off when watching Nanny911??
I mean honestly, what ever happened to corporal punishment? If I would have behaved like some of these brats do I would have got my ass whooped with a belt, flyswatter, switch, or 5 gallon paint stir stick. This shit is ridiculous parents are pussy-footing around, letting their kids run their lives.
NEWSFLASH: You gave birth to them, therefore you are more powerful than they are. CONTROL THEM. Some of these kids just need to get their fuckin block knocked off.
And no I'm not talking child abuse. There's a HUGE fuckin' difference.
It is completely the parents fault. Boy you just wait till I have kids. I dare them to mess with me. I'm not going to be bossed around by a child. I firmly believe in corporal punishment and so does Andy. Spare the rod, spoil the child.
Time outs FAIL.
Just saying no... FAILS
Sometimes associating doing something wrong with pain works. I mean damn it worked for me and Andy and every kid who was raised during the 90's or earlier. Then people started calling Child Abuse at every child swatted for misbehaving.
And furthermore, why do parents continue to child proof EVERYTHING.
Like an ex co worker of mine had a baby shower for another co worker at her house. She gave us a tour of the house, which bugs me also. I hate it when people give tours of their house. Too showy for my tastes. Anyway back to topic, This house was so child proofed she had bumpers on the corners of her bed posts, bumpers on corners of tables,outlet covers, a stove guard, a child locked fridge, locks on the cabinets, and a cover thingy on the door handle. You have to squeeze the door handle bumper and then turn the knob.
WHAT??? Are you kidding me??
Only two of these were used when I was a child. And this was 1989. Now my parents had a brand new house and child proofed it as much as possible. They only used the cabinet locks, and the electrical outlet covers. And I turned out perfect...well for most part. If a child is told not to touch the hot stove and touches it anyway then it gets burned the finds out that it hurts and it wont do that shit anymore. Kind of extreme but I knew not to touch the stove.
Whatever...going job hunting.
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