Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem. ~Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Live simply that others might simply live. ~Elizabeth Seaton

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Kitty Communication & New Operating System

I did it!!!

I successfully communicated with my cat, Leia, through yawns.

Sounds dorky, I know.
But get this.
You know how someone can yawn and you yawn too, as reflex sorta thing.
Yea well I yawned, the Leia yawned, then me again from seeing her do it, and she did it one more time. So yea communication on some level.

On to other news, As of right now (12:38AM) my computer is being updated to Windows 7.
Windows 7 (Build 7000) is the sequel to Vista. This is only released as a beta version right now. But I have the crack to it. ^_^